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Home / How to Pass Your Driving Test the First Time

tips to pass a driving test
February 1, 2018
How to Pass Your Driving Test the First Time

Getting a driver’s licence is an exciting adventure. Before you can reap the rewards of having your own car and a taste of freedom, you first must pass the road test. For many, this test is as nerve-wracking as a final exam in school. Fortunately, we have a few tips to pass a driving test to help you —the first time. From the professionals at Ambitious Drivers, here are a few things to keep in mind to ace your upcoming driving test:

It’s true that a significant percentage of the North American population has a driver’s license. This doesn’t mean; however, that the driving test is easy. Many young drivers fall into the trap of thinking they don’t need to practice for the test. The truth is, it’s harder than you think. To ace the test, it’s imperative you set aside time to practice, and familiarize yourself with the vehicle you’ll be taking the test with. Whether it’s the family minivan, or your grandpa’s old beater, find a safe vehicle you can practice with. Ensure you are accompanied by an experienced and licenced driver—they can give you valuable tips and ensure you’re driving safely.

Your first driving test can be nerve-wracking. To avoid distracting anxiety, remember to take a few deep breaths before and during your driver’s test. A great way to calm pre-test nerves is to talk with friends and family who have already completed and passed the test. They can provide you with sound and comforting advice, and give you tips on how to stay calm. If your test is early in the morning, avoid drinking coffee or any caffeinated beverage.

Be Patient
Most people want to get their driving test over with as quickly as possible. Rushing; however, can lead to faults and even accidents. Fortunately, your driving test isn’t timed. Don’t worry about the examiner—it’s their job to wait. If you need a little extra time during the parallel parking portion of the test, don’t sweat it.

Be Open-Minded
Going into a driving test, you should be open-minded about the outcome. Being hard on yourself will only lead to frustration and hindered performance. The important thing to understand is that there are many things out of your control once you’re on the road. Your test score may be negatively affected by aggressive drivers, accidents, or heavy traffic. If you try your best, there’s nothing more you can do.

With the right training, a little patience, and an open mind, we guarantee you’ll ace your upcoming driving test. To prepare for your test with driving classes or lessons, get in touch with us today at Ambitious Drivers in Scarborough. We look forward to helping you reach your goal!