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Driving with Friends

While learning how to drive, teens must take two tests, one written and one behind the wheel. This also means they need to take two different classes before they take each test. Teens should listen in these classes and be mature. The first step to being safe is to be taught correctly. You should become more responsible and actually pay attention to what is going on in class. While learning how to drive, learn how to become a good defensive driver. Once you learn how to drive correctly, your knowledge will never leave you.

One thing that teens tend to do while driving is speed. This raises the likelihood of an accident. Not only will it put you in danger, it will also endanger the cars around you. Speeding may become a bad habit and a hard one to break.

The last thing that may become an issue for teen drivers is other teens. When in a car with other teens, it can be hard to concentrate on the road. Research shows that driving with friends in the car can render you up to four times likely to have an accident, something that no one wants to be increasing the likelihood of this early in your driving career. As the driver you are responsible for the passengers in your vehicle. Make sure that everyone is wearing their seatbelt and behaving themselves in your car, otherwise you are simply putting yourself and your passengers at risk.

Keep the tips above in mind to get on the road safely and understand what your responsibilities are to yourself and to those who share the road with you.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses allocate equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Don’t Become a Statistic – Wear your Seatbelt

Nothing is worse than hearing about the death of people who didn’t wear their seat belts, especially when it is revealed later that they would have survived if only they had buckled up.

The seat belt was not designed as a car decoration, or to be selectively worn on highways or mountainous roads. The seatbelt was designed to be worn everywhere and at all times because we are never able to pick and choose when we crash.

Most people take the seat belt for granted. We like to remind our pupils that no one is invincible in a car accident; the human body is no match for metal, glass and pavement. Below are four ways the seat belt protects occupants of the vehicle from serious injury:

– Keeps the occupants of the vehicle inside. People thrown from a vehicle are four times more likely to be killed than those who remain inside.
– The seat belt is designed to contact your body at its strongest parts, the hips and shoulders.
– The seat belt spreads the force of the crash over a wide area of the body. By putting less stress on any one area, a seatbelt can help you avoid serious injury.
– The seat belt help keep your head and upper body away from the dashboard, steering wheel, and other hard interior parts of the automobile should you stop suddenly or be hit by another vehicle.

Wearing a seat belt is still the single most effective thing you can do to increase your chance of surviving through an accident unharmed and reducing any injuries you may suffer from an accident. Increase your odds for safety by wearing your seatbelt. Buckle-up, always!

Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Traffic Sign and Road Marking Knowledge Improves Driving

Learning how to operate a car does not necessarily make you a good driver, your safety is also determined by how attentive you are on the road. This is why it is of utmost importance that you are able to understand the meaning of all traffic signs and make correct use of them.

Traffic signs and road markings play a huge part in the observation, awareness, planning and execution of safe driving. The majority of traffic signs are intuitive; some signs are confusingly similar and could mean very different things. When you instantly know what traffic signs mean, you can plan more accurately and react more effectively, and therefore drive more safely.

A busy city centre can be a distraction due to the sheer number of signs that confront a driver, especially a new driver who is trying to juggle all the information in their head. If you find yourself driving in an area that you are not familiar with, whether you are a new driver or an experienced one, you should especially pay attention to the signs that will guide you on what to do.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses allocate equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Driving a Manual Car

The type of gearbox in your car will make for a completely different driving experience. Manual transmission gives the driver more control, as it allows you to shift gears on your own. Manually changing gears requires practice, as it involves engaging gears and disengaging gears while manipulating the clutch. In an automatic car, the gear change happens automatically.
New car sales also reflect the trend toward automatic transmissions but what are the main benefits of driving an automatic?

Benefits of automatic transmissions:
– Thanks to modern technology and computers, automatic transmissions these days are so efficient they offer fuel economy that is competitive, and in rare cases superior to that of a standard transmission.
– Automatic transmissions allow the driver to have his/her right hand free for other purposes.

Disadvantages of automatic transmissions:
– Although they are undeniably more efficient than they used to be, automatics still return slightly inferior fuel economy in all driving conditions.
– Automatics cost more. In most cases, ordering one will run you at least an additional $1,000. They are also much more expensive to repair, as modern automatic transmissions are loaded with sophisticated electronics, microprocessors, sensors and so on.

Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Teenage Driving

Teenagers generally have all the physical traits and qualities to be good drivers. Their sight and hearing is sharp and their reflexes are quick and efficient. Yet despite the advantage of having these physical traits, statistics still show that teenagers are eight times more likely to get into an automobile accident than drivers who have more experience.

We believe the reason to this high rate of accidents is due to a lack of guidance when the students are gathering the experience that enables them to cope with the unexpected and unfamiliar situations they will eventually encounter.

Students need to be taught and trained how to react should they get into emergency or find themselves in urgent situation. A good driving instructor should train new drivers on how to react should a car suddenly pull out of a driveway or if someone makes a sudden stop. This will enable them to react swiftly to avoid and steer themselves away from dangerous situations.

We have to be very careful around teenagers who are learning to drive and working their way to their licence. We all know that the first thing they are likely to do once they pass the driving test is to get together with their buddies and load them up for a drive. When you put lot of kids in a car, one mistake by a new driver can result in serious injury and possibly worse scenarios.

At Ambitious Drivers we believe that practice is essential and work hard to develop both the academic and psycho-motor skills of our students. Contact us today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

How to Overcome Driving Test Jitters

Some people are brilliant at things until it comes to taking tests. The nerves and pressure often get the best of them and they lose their calmness and control. Passing the driving test is often as much about confidence and a relaxed and focused approach as anything else, and the ability to cope with stress is an increasingly important attribute for all drivers.

Those preparing for their driving test, need to remember that failing it does not necessarily make them bad drivers, because it is just as likely to mean they are simply stressed.

Here are 10 ways to overcome your test nerves:
1. Practice makes perfect. Take your time practicing on the road, and don’t book your driver’s test until you feel completely comfortable and ready. Ask your friends and family to help test your knowledge of driving theory.
2.Avoid booking your driving test during school hours, and try not to book the last test of the day. Booking an early slot for your road test will prevent you from worrying too much throughout the day.
3. Your friends may be loving and supportive, but telling everyone your test date may create unnecessary pressure. Even positive support can be stressful if your friends are constantly wishing you good luck on your phone.
4. Don’t tell the entire world your test date. If everyone knows you are going for the test, you create the additional stress of trying to live up to expectations.
5. Don’t put too much on your plate. If you have exams or other stressful life events going on, do yourself a favour and book your road test when your schedule is less hectic.
6.In your last few sessions, make sure to let your instructor know where you still have difficulties, so they can help you practice and improve before your exam day.
7. Keep practicing.
8. You do not need to be perfect. Concentrate on the essentials. If you make a mistake, keep calm and concentrate on your driving. The mistake may not result in failure.
9. Get a good night’s sleep before the test.
10. Making small mistakes is not the end of the world, and it’s also inevitable; no one is perfect. A small mistake won’t necessarily lead to an automatic fail (you are allowed 15 minor mistakes on your test), so relax, breathe, and move on. Remember: you know how to drive, so don’t let your anxiety get to your head.

At Ambitious Drivers our professional instructors are committed to improving the fundamental skills of the everyday driver. Contact us today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

A Good Driving Record and Insurance Premiums

What is the difference between a bad driving record and a good one? As much as several thousand dollars a year or more in auto insurance payments!

A good driving record can mean a difference of thousands of dollars a year on auto insurance. If you are a good driver with no violations or accidents, chances are the insurance company will be willing to give you a good annual insurance premium. If over the years you are able to maintain your impressive record, your insurance premium is likely to go down. The exact opposite occurs for drivers who have poor driving records or those who have been involved in several accidents or have been caught drunk driving.

Drivers with a poor driving record that is muddled with tickets, accidents and infringements will face a wide discrepancy in insurance policy cost. While those arrested for driving under influence will find that most carriers will refuse to renew their policy or even take them on in the first place. The company that eventually agrees to take on a driver with a prior drunk driving record will be charged inflated rates that they may not be able to afford.

Remember that car insurance companies look at your driving record when considering taking you on as a clients. This is why you have to make sure that you receive informative training and driving lessons in order to improve your overall driving skills and to secure affordable monthly payments in the future.

At Ambitious Drivers our professional instructors are committed to improving the fundamental skills of the everyday driver. Contact us today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Myths of Drinking and Driving

When we consume alcohol our central nervous system, which normally warns us of potential dangers, begins to relax. The more alcohol is consumed, the less likely a driver will be able to respond to dangers, especially when driving. Alcohol dulls the very skills and coordination needed to drive safely.

Myth #1: “Coffee will sober me up!”
Only time can rid your body of alcohol. The caffeine in coffee will help you feel less drowsy but that does not mean you are more alert and able to drive. The same goes for fresh air, a loud radio, or cold water. Nothing but time will return your alertness, motor skills, and judgment if you have been drinking.

Myth #2
“If I don’t feel drunk that means I’m not drunk!”
Being able to drink a lot without “feeling drunk” does not mean you are unaffected by alcohol. People do not feel or see “drunken” behavior. Despite how in control we feel when we drink, that may not be the case!

At Ambitious Drivers our professional instructors are committed to improving the fundamental skills of the everyday driver. Contact us today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Ambitious Drivers Promotes Road Safety

As part of our commitment to promote safe driving practices, Ambitious Drivers provides specialized courses like defensive driving, incident avoidance and other complementary activities that promote progressive driver development.

In the last few years, Ambitious Drivers has witnessed exponential growth and today boasts an impressive fleet of training cars backed by professional and well trained team of driving instructors. Our trustworthy and approachable team of professional instructors work hard to instil and improve the fundamental skills of every student that enrols in our school.

We are not simply a driving school – we are also an institution that emphasizes life lessons and responsible driving. We go beyond simply teaching people have to drive but also we take this teaching opportunity to instill life skills to our students, especially the younger and more impressionable ones. In the last few years we worked to modernize our education system to suit this generation’s driving needs.

At Ambitious Drivers, we take a more contemporary and relevant approach to drivers education. Our pioneer training programme, aims to further enhance the skills of new drivers through a comprehensive and scientifically-designed training course. For more information visit our Web site, or call (416) 293-6500

Avoid Dangerous Distractions When Driving

The danger of drinking while driving is well documented, if not always well heeded. Today’s drivers however are functioning under the influence of a host of distractions, and they too can prove deadly.

All of the efforts of car manufacturers to make today’s cars safer are diluted by irresponsible drivers who do not think that maneuvering a heavy vehicle at lethal speed deserves their undivided attention.

Consider, for instance, what now passes for everyday behavior among numerous drivers – activities such as eating or drinking, grooming, applying makeup, texting and speaking on the phone while maneuvering and operating a vehicle are not even considered to be inappropriate!

It takes a few brief seconds to punch in a telephone number, to apply mascara, or to react to pouring hot coffee all over you — just enough to crash your car or take someone’s life.

What price are we willing to pay for fulfilling our little distractions and conveniences?

At Ambitious Drivers, our professional instructors are committed to improving the fundamental skills of the everyday driver. Contact us today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500