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How to parallel park on your driver’s test

A driver’s test can be extremely stressful for the person sitting in the driver’s seat. This is going to make the difference between getting your license or having to rely on everyone else for rides for a long time. Nobody wants to fail, so making sure that you are completely prepared is the only way to assure that you pass. Parking may be one of the most difficult parts of the test, especially when you have to parallel park on a busy road. Here is how to parallel park on your driver’s test, and go home as a newly licensed driver.

First, be completely aware of the road around you

We cannot overstate how important this. Check behind you and to the sides before even attempting to get into the space. Look in all of the mirrors, and see how many cars are coming at you. Signal properly so that people know you are getting off to the side to park, and don’t slam on the breaks or else people behind you might run into your rear. Being aware of your surroundings will keep everyone safe.

Get alongside

Pull up alongside of the car, and leave about a meter of space between the two vehicles. Line yourselves up using the side mirrors as a guide. Once you are properly in line, it will make it a lot easier to do the next step.


Begin reversing slowly. It is important to monitor traffic all around as you are doing this to make sure that nobody is coming up to far behind. As you are going slowly with the wheel turned, you will begin to enter the space. As soon as the corner of the vehicle appears in your left mirror, you know that it is time to make that full turn in the opposite direction to try and get in the space.

Straighten out

Once you are in the space, you need to straighten out the wheel and get the car in snuggly. Move up a little bit if you have to. Check all around you to make sure that you are a proper distance from the curb, and get out. All you have to do now is marvel at the parking job that you just did.

Parallel parking is perhaps the most nerve-wracking aspect of becoming a licensed driver. It is far more difficult than any of the other manoeuvres that a young driver has to learn. With these tips, though, you can learn how to parallel park on your driver’s test, and ace it. Don’t let it scare you, our comprehensive lessons will have you prepared for the big day.

Common Reasons for Failing a Driver’s Test

The big day has come. All of your studying, practicing, and worrying is about to be put to the test on the road today. This test will decide if you take that big step and become a licensed driver, or if you need to keep getting rides from your friends and parents. Although passing is extremely important, and a goal that you have worked toward for many months at this point, it is important to remember that failing the test isn’t the end of the world. It happens, and the best thing you can do is practice more and pass next time. Here are some of the most common reasons for failing a driver’s test.

  • The California Roll

We don’t mean sushi when we say this. When you barely make a stop at a stop sign, and then continue on driving, that’s what is called a California Roll in many parts of the USA. Stop signs say “stop” not “slow down and keep going when you see there is no traffic around.” They are an important part of road safety, and of traffic management. It is of the utmost importance that you make a full stop, look each way, and then pick back up at a safe speed.

  • Not checking your mirrors

We know how tempting it can be to just take a quick look back, and then switch lanes without checking your mirrors. That doesn’t mean that your driving tester will go easy on you, though. Many people just take a look behind them, and then merge into another lane. It is important that you look in all of your mirrors, and react accordingly. Check your mirrors before increasing speed, and be sure to check when pulling off the road, too.

  • Not keeping the wheel straight

You would think that after all of the hours of practicing, and all of the training that students have done, that they would be able to keep the wheel straight. However, you’d be surprised at how many people fail the test because they were unable to be steady on the road. Our roads cannot be filled with drivers who veer left and right constantly. You need to be able to stay the course. Sometimes it’s because the student is nervous, and other times it’s just because they haven’t trained enough at the wheel. Either way, do everything you can to keep that wheel straight.

The most important thing about taking your driver’s test is to remain calm. It is a big deal in a young person’s life, but it isn’t going to make or break you. If you get too nervous, then you won’t perform at your best, and chances are you are going to fail. Just remember your training, and ace it. These are the most common reasons for failing a driver’s test. Good luck!

Tips for Driving in the Rain

Being able to drive in diverse weather conditions isn’t just a skill for people looking to pass a driver’s test – it is a skill that all drivers need to have in order to keep everyone on the road safe. The climate can change in a heartbeat in Canada, so being prepared is of utmost importance. One of the most common adverse types of weather is heavy rain. With a few tips, though, you can make sure that you get through it safe, and don’t cause any damage to anyone else.

  • Keep a good distance

Rain conditions can cause people to act weird. You never know what they are going to do. So make sure to keep much more distance than is common: at least two car lengths – and maybe more if possible.

  • Keep both hands on the wheel

Because of the conditions on the road especially right when it starts raining, it is possible to lose control of the vehicle quickly. Be prepared by keeping both hands on the wheel at all times. You will need to gain control quickly to stay safe.

  • Make sure your defroster is on

It is easy for the windshield to fog up during rain, and this can make it extremely dangerous to drive. Make sure it is on as soon as the rain begins to pick up. That way you will always have a clear window to look out.

Driving in the rain can be scary, especially for new drivers, but being able to get through is a must for anyone looking to become a licensed driver. So make sure to adhere to these few small tips, and you can make sure that you are ready the next time that the weather takes a turn for the worse.

Tips for New Drivers

Once you get your driver’s license, there is still a lot that you need to learn to be a competent and confident driver on the road. Although you have your driving school knowledge that helped you pass your tests, the following guidelines can help you enhance your driving skills in no time.

Know Your Car

After driving school, many new drivers are rewarded with their first cars. Since this is a new vehicle that you may not have driven before, you need to know and understand it. Just sit in it for a few minutes then turn it on and study the different buttons. You will also need to familiarize yourself with the switches and virtually anything else that your new car has to offer before taking it for a drive.

Invest in a Bicycle

Believe it or not, this can help you become a better driver. Drivers are always at loggerheads with cyclists. By getting a bicycle, you can understand a different perspective on the road. This is because it will help you learn just how these cyclists behave on the road and the attitudes of different drivers towards them. This understanding is crucial in helping you learn how to deal with those same people on bicycles.

Focus on Your Blind Spot

Mirrors play their part in helping you see what is coming behind you, but they cannot tell you anything about what lies outside of your peripheral vision. Your blind spot is large enough to hide bikes and even cars such that the moment you make your right turn, you run into them. This is why you must always check on it. Other than just being conscious of your blind spot, you should also avoid driving in other motorists’ blind spots.

As a new driver, you will need time before you can actually drive like a pro. These tips will guide you towards an accident-free experience on the road.

Driving Etiquette 101

Courtesy is a quality every individual needs to have in every single thing one does in life, and driving is no exception. The majority of drivers think that driving is just getting from point A to point B, but the truth is not that simple.

The road is composed of cars that range in sizes and drivers who have different behavioral qualities and thinking capabilities. To ensure that you are able to move from point A to point B and arrive safely as well, you need to exercise care and politeness while on the road.

Below are some basic driving etiquette tips that you need to know.

Obey the speed limit

Unless you are driving an ambulance or a fire engine, you need to obey the speed limit signs displayed on various roads across the country. It is important to know that driving in reality is not like racing on a video game console. Driving too fast will lead to severe accidents that will end up in loss of life and damage to property.

Driving too slow is not advisable as you will be preventing other drivers from reaching their destination at the required time, and also potentially create hazards to the road. Always follow the speed limit.

Yield to pedestrians

As a motorist, it is important to remember that at one point of your life you were or you will be a pedestrian. Accidents happen and knocking down a pedestrian while you are in a hurry is a life-altering tragedy that can happen in a split second.

Even in a situation where the pedestrians are taking advantage of that stop sign or red light, you need to yield to them. The best way to handle a situation like that is not to zoom past them but to either wave at them or acknowledge them with eye contact.

Be extra careful when driving with a passenger

Driving your passengers like you are in an action movie is the worst kind of driving that any driver can display while on the road. Passengers, whether adults or children, need to arrive at their destination safely.

For more information on proper driving techniques, contact Ambitious Drivers today. (416) 293-6500.

The Importance of Defensive Driving

People often don’t do what you expect them to. This is particularly true when driving. Driving speeds are greater than they ever were before, and unfortunately drivers have to deal with more distractions, safety hazards, and basic driving errors than ever before.

Defensive driving teaches the person behind the wheel how to anticipate and react correctly to possible problems on the road. It poses the “what if” question to drivers. For example: what if a child runs across the road in front of you; what if a driver around you is zigzagging in and out of lanes; what if the car in front of you slams on its brakes?

Learning defensive driving teaches you how to be aware of the leading causes of accidents and how to avoid them. It is useful for any driver, but is particularly useful for those who operate public vehicles and those who spend a great deal of time on the road, such as truck drivers and interstate motorists.

Even if you consider yourself to be a good driver, you can benefit from the instruction a defensive driving course provides – it will definitely make you a safer driver.

For more information, please contact Ambitious Drivers at (416) 293-6500.

What to Do If You Have a Cracked Windshield

Driving in a car with a dirty or damaged windshield poses serious dangers, especially if the driver is trying to navigate through fog, heavy rain or snow. Despite the risks, many drivers are reluctant to replace a damaged windshield. The rationale adopted by many car owners, especially the younger ones might be: “Why spend the money on a replacement when the current windshield is working perfectly well?”

Here are a few reasons why you should immediately fix a damaged or cracked windshield:

– Dirty or damaged windshields can impair motorists’ ability to judge distances and the movement of other vehicles.
– Windshields that are chipped, cracked and dirty can produce severe eye strain and increase driver fatigue on long journeys.
– Damaged windshields lead to a greater likelihood of injury should an accident occur.
– An undamaged windshield adds vital structural support that can keep a car’s roof from caving in if the vehicle flips over. If the windshield is cracked, it will easily break on contact and the roof will be crushed, causing serious injury to the occupants.
– In the case of an accident, a damaged or cracked windshield means an increased risk of ejection from an accident impact. A sound windshield will prevent occupants from being thrown out of the car, but a damaged windshield will shatter on impact and does not offer any protection.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses give equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Helpful Car Cleaning Tips for the Winter Season

During the winter, our cars have to struggle through the snow, slush and snow. They deserve to be cleaned every now and then. You could take your car to a professional car wash but if you have some free time and like to care for your car on your own, then you can do so by following the tips below:

– Start with the interior and a good airing out. After removing the floor mats, vacuum the seats and floors to remove sand and salt. Check the carpeting for wetness and keep the floor mats out until they are dry.
– Clean all the plastic and vinyl surfaces. Finish up with cleaning the interior windows.
– When washing the exterior of the car, spray out the salt and dirt accumulation from under the wheel wells and rocker panels.
– Under the hood, start by checking all fluid levels.
– Inspect the belts for wear that may show up as cracking or frayed edges. Belts should be tight and should not give more than a half to three-quarters of an inch.
– The radiator and heat hoses should be firm. Hoses that are spongy, cracked, and overly hard or have bulges should be replaced.
– The battery should be checked for proper levels and charge and any accumulated corrosion should be cleaned from the terminals.
– Finally, inspect the tires and check that they are inflated to the recommended pressure.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses give equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

What to Do When a Tire Bursts

Unless you hear the tire burst, the first sign of a blowout will be that your car suddenly pulls hard to one side. Your instinct will be to slam on the brakes, but don’t. Sudden braking is the single worst thing that you can do if a tire blows out. Breaking will only exacerbate the problem, and it could cause a total loss of control. Repeat this thought to yourself over and over so that you are programmed to act if the worst happens.

Instead, slowly lift your foot from the gas while steering with both hands to stay in your lane. Keep looking ahead and turn your steering wheel to keep in a straight line. Maintain momentum by accelerating and then ease of the gas to slow down – accelerating is not done to speed the car up, simply to maintain momentum and minimize the risk of and effect of a side slide. Then try and maneuver one lane at a time towards the shoulder. You’re better off continuing to drive, at below 30 miles an hour, with the blown tire flapping away than stopping before you’re clear of the traffic. (Don’t worry about damaging the tire-it’s ruined.)

Burst tyres can never be salvaged. You can drive on the tire very slowly to a safe place but do not attempt to go any further than absolutely necessary. Repairable punctures can turn into irreparable tires if you drive on them.

Here are some tire checks you should constantly follow:

– Check your tire pressures weekly
– Check tires for damage weekly with a quick visual check every day before you enter the car.
– Check your tires before you embark on long journeys.
– Check your vehicle handbook for correct tire pressures for different vehicle loads.
– Check your tire pressure more often during heat waves.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses give equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

The Dangers of Road Rage

The term road rage refers to an extreme form of aggressive driving that has been identified as a risk factor for motor vehicle accidents. Road rage behaviours include repeated horn honking, red-light running, tailgating, headlight flashing, excessive breaking, verbal abuse, lewd gestures directed at another motorist, purposefully cutting off another driver and even exiting a vehicle and getting into a physical confrontation.

Follow these tips to avoid being a victim of road rage:

  • Obey speed limits and traffic laws.
  • Keep to the right if you are a slower driver.
  • Call 911 if you see an individual driving recklessly.
  • Do not make eye contact with an upset driver.
  • Do not confront an upset motorist.
  • If you are cut off, refrain from making any hand gestures to the other motorist.
  • If you are being chased by another motorist who appears to be angry, do not weave in and out of traffic, which is dangerous.
  • If you are being chased, drive with the flow of traffic and alert the authorities via hands-free calling.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses give equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500