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What To Do If You Fail Your Driving Test

Passing your driving test is no easy feat, and even the most prepared students can wind up chocking on the big day. Of course, the more prepared you are beforehand, the more likely you are to pass, but several drivers only pass their test on the second or third time around. Here are some tips and tricks for what to do if you fail your driving test from the professional driving instructors at Ambitious Drivers.

Don’t Give Up

You know the old expression—if it first you don’t succeed, try again. Failing your driving test may make you feel like you never want to get behind the wheel again, but you can’t let that one negative experience deter you from getting your licence. Once you’ve processed the disappointment, it’s time to start practicing again so you can pass your next driving test with flying colours!

Learn from Your Mistakes

Instead of thinking about your failed driving test as a waste of time, think about it as a learning opportunity. Take note of the things that caused you difficulty during your driving test so you can work on them as you prepare for you next test. For instance, did you repeatedly forget to check your blind spot during your test? If so, then you know that’s a skill you’ll need to focus on in future driving lessons.

Book Your Next Test

After failing your driving test, it’s best to set up your next test as soon as possible. This will ensure that you don’t lose any of the skills that you gained while first practicing for your test. If you need some more time between tests, make sure to register for driving courses so you can maintain your skills. Becoming a good driver is all about practice, so you can’t expect better results the second time around if you don’t develop your skills between driving tests.

At Ambitious Drivers, we focus on defensive driving, giving you the skills necessary to feel safe and comfortable on the road. For more information about our lessons and to register for our driving courses today, contact us at Ambitious Drivers.

Summer Driving Hazards Every New Driver Should Know About

Now that the roads are clear from the wet and slippery conditions of winter, you may think that getting behind the wheel is a breeze. Just because the weather is more pleasant, doesn’t mean the summer isn’t full of its own particular driving hazards. It’s important for new drivers especially to be aware of the kinds of dangers they may face on the road this summer. Here are some of the most common summer driving hazards so you can be totally prepared behind the wheel this season.

Increased Construction

The favourable weather conditions of the summer make it the ideal time for construction. You may notice increased construction on the roads during the summer months, leading to road closures and more traffic than usual. Drivers must be vigilant to follow all signs and detours in regards to construction to avoid any surprise accidents or run-ins with construction crews on the road.

Bicyclist and Other Motorists

Once the roads begin to clear, the number of bikes and motorcycles on the road will begin to rise. Drivers should be extra cautious to ensure a safe distance between themselves and motorcyclists, as well as being aware that motorcyclists can be difficult to see and often disappear into your blind spot. Make sure to give cyclists extra room as well and be careful when opening car doors and making right turns to avoid accidentally hitting them.

While there are certainly less dangers on the road in the summer than in the winter, the summer can still present its own challenges for drivers. If you exercise skill and caution, you can ensure that you, your vehicle, your passengers, and other motorists remain safe this summer.

At Ambitious Drivers, we focus on defensive driving, which can give you the skills necessary to keep yourself as safe as possible on the road. Our team of certified and skilled instructors can give you the tools necessary to feel confident and comfortable behind the wheel. For more information about our driving lessons and to register for a course with us today, contact us at Ambitious Drivers.

Silly Mistakes That Can Make You Fail Your Driver’s Test

You’ve been practicing behind the wheel for months and finally the big day comes and you choke during your driver’s test. Sometimes nerves can get the best of new drivers and they can forget all the skills they’ve learned during the big test. Many drivers have to attempt their test several times before they finally pass. Here are a few of the silly mistakes you can make during your driver’s test that can cost you your licence.

Incomplete Stops

One of the biggest mistakes new drivers make during their test is making incomplete stops. A rolling stop is an indication of a lack of control behind the wheel that can cause many driving instructors to fail you. Make sure you are making complete stops that are behind the line of demarkation.

Changing Lanes Incorrectly

When changing lanes, it’s important to signal your intention to change lanes, and then make sure to check your mirrors and blind spot before doing so. Forgetting even one of those steps during your driver’s test can result in a failing grade. Only switch lanes once it is clear to do so, keep your speed up and watch the traffic in front of you as well.

Driving Too Fast or Too Slow

This one almost goes without saying, but it’s important to respect the speed limit and maintain the correct speed for the conditions of the road. Driving above the speed limit is against the law and will result in a failing grade on your driving test. Driving too slowly can create a safety hazard for you and other vehicles on the road.

Not Checking Mirrors

As a rule of thumb, it’s better to over-check your mirrors than check them too little. Even if you aren’t changing lanes, it’s a good idea to refer to your rear-view and side mirrors to know where other vehicles are in relation to you. Many new drivers forget to check their mirrors while on the road and this subtle move can make the difference between passing and failing your driver’s test.

The team of professional instructors at Ambitious Drivers are dedicated to providing you with the skills and confidence necessary to pass your driving test with flying colours. For more information about our driving course and to registered for one of our classes, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.

The Danger of Driving While Drowsy

If you’re driving to work on a Monday morning or heading out on a cross-country road trip, you may experience fatigue behind the wheel. Driving while drowsy may not seem as dangerous as drinking while driving or texting, it’s still a serious cause of accidents and fatalities on the road. In fact, studies have shown that lack of sleep was the cause of over 5000 fatal car crashes in the US in 2005 alone. Here is some more information about driving while drowsy from the team of professional instructors at Ambitious Drivers.

Drowsy Versus Impaired Driving

While there are a number of studies and statistics about the dangers of driving while impaired, the effects of driving while drowsy are not as well known to the general public. One study found that drivers who got behind the wheel with a limited amount of sleep exhibited behaviour on the road that was similar to that of drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol. For example, a driver who hasn’t slept properly in the past 24 hours will exhibit the same erratic behaviour on the road as someone with a blood alcohol level of .1 percent, making lack of sleep as dangerous as drinking and driving in some instances.

Who Is At-Risk of Driving While Drowsy?

While everyone is at risk of driving while overtired, there are certain groups that are more likely to be sleep deprived and therefore more vulnerable to getting into an accident on the road including:

  • Parents of small infants
  • Nightshift workers
  • Truck drivers
  • Emergency and relief staff such as EMS workers and nurses
  • Those with sleep disorders
  • Long-distance drivers

If you’re prone to feeling tired behind the wheel, make sure you take extra precautions to keep yourself awake and alert. Drink coffee if you need to, play music, listen to the radio, or bring along a companion for conversation so you stay stimulated while driving. If you’re going on a longer road trip, plan rest stops along the way and rotate drivers so everyone has the chance to relax. If you notice that your focus is start to slip when you’re on the road, pull over as soon as possible to avoid getting into an accident.

At Ambitious Drivers, we instruct new drivers in the safe skills and techniques needed to keep them protected behind the wheel. For more information about our driving courses and to register today, contact us now at Ambitious Drivers.

How To Stay Calm During Your Driving Test

Taking a test can be stressful, especially your driving test. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in this situation—most new drivers experience some level of anxiety before taking their driving exam. With the right preparation, your driving test can be a simple and rewarding experience. Here are some tips and tricks for overcoming your anxiety before a deriving exam from the experienced instructors at Ambitious Drivers.

Think of It as Going for a Drive, Not a Test

You may have negative associations with the words “test” or “exam” that can trigger your nerves. Rather than thinking about it as a test, think about it as going for a drive. Your driving instructor wouldn’t let you sign up for your exam if they didn’t have confidence in your driving ability. If you’re nervous about the big day, just imagine you’re going for a practice drive to take some of the pressure off.

Prepare Beforehand

Of course, you should have some degree of experience behind the wheel before taking your driving test. A certified driving instructor won’t let you take the test until they think you’re ready, so you can rest assured that you’ll be prepared for the big day.

There are some ways you can prepare for your driving test to make sure you’re in the best state possible to go for a drive. This preparation include getting a good night’s sleep the night before so you can be as alert as possible. Book your test at a time that works best for you—if you’re a morning person, try to book your test earlier in the day. Don’t book any other plans for a few hours before and after your test to avoid rushing. By strategically planning your driving test, you can reduce your nerves so you can perform to do the best of your abilities.

Before you book your driving test, you have to get as comfortable as possible behind the wheel. Learn and develop the skills you need to be a safe and confident driver with in-depth courses from Ambitious Drivers. For more information about our driving courses and to register now, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.

What to Do in Case of a Car Accident

There is always the risk of getting into an accident while driving. Driving carefully will reduce the likelihood of getting into an accident but even the most cautious drivers can experience trouble on the road. What should you do if you find yourself in a car accident? The most important thing, which can often be the most difficult during these stressful situations, is to remain calm. Here are the steps you should follow immediately after you get into an accident on the road.

Step 1: Stop

If you drive away after getting involved in an accident, you could be subject to criminal prosecution.

Step 2: Make The Call

If anyone is injured, if there appears to be more than $2000 in damages, or if you suspect another driver involved in the accident is under the influence of drugs and alcohol, call the police. Follow the instructions given to you by the emergency operator. Do not try to move anyone who has been injured, as you could aggravate the injury.

If no one is injured and the damages appear to be less than $2000 in total, call a Collision Reporting Centre, which are special police facilities that assist drivers in reporting motor vehicle accidents.

Step 3: Assess The Damage

If it is safe to do so, get out of the car. Take pictures of the damages and the scene for insurance purposes and to show the police when they arrive.

Step 4: Clear The Road

Again, only if it is safe and possible to do so, move your vehicle to the side of the road while you wait for the officials to arrive so that traffic can clear. If your vehicle can’t be driven, turn on your hazard lights or use cones if you have them available.

Step 5: Record

Make a careful record of the incident to present to the police and your insurance providers. Make sure you talk to the other driver(s) involved in the incident and exchange information with them.

Step 6: Talk to Your Insurance Company

Call your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident. Tell them in detail what happened and ask them to walk you through the process of filing a claim. They’ll give you the information necessary to let you know how to proceed.

After a car accident, you’re number one priority should be your safety. Do not attempt any of these steps if they put your safety further at risk. The experienced instructors at Ambitious Drivers will help your learn and practice the skills you need to stay safe on the road, as well as the tools needed to help you remain calm and collected in case of emergency. For more information and to register for our driving courses today, contact us at Ambitious Drivers.

How to Get Comfortable Driving on the Highway

One of the most common fears that new drivers have is driving on the highway. Faster, long-distance highway driving can be intimidating, especially if you’re still getting comfortable behind the wheel. At Ambitious Drivers, we’re dedicated to helping our students become confident in a variety of driving scenarios, including highway driving. Here are some tips and suggestions for getting comfortable driving on the highway from the team of experts at Ambitious Drivers.

Bring Along a Passenger

It’s a good idea to take along an experienced driver on your first few trips on the highway as reassurance. They can advise you as you drive and make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. If you need to stop driving for whatever reason, have an experienced driver in the car who can take over for you if need be. Avoid taking a whole carload of people with you on your first highway drive as they may be distracting and could jeopardize your safety on the road.

Keep to the Right

Once you’ve successfully joined the highway, it is proper etiquette to stay in the right-most lane unless you are overtaking slower traffic. Look out for cars trying to merge onto the highway while in the right lane and give them the space to do so. If you decide to overtake, use the ‘mirror, signal, maneuver’ procedure when changing lanes and don’t linger in the middle lane, especially if you notice cars passing you on either side. Watch out for larger vehicles when changing lanes—they have larger blind spots than regular-sized cars, so make sure to give them plenty of room.

Driving on the highway can be nerve-wracking, especially for new drivers who are still getting comfortable behind the wheel. At Ambitious Driver, we’re here to help you become a safe and confident driver. If you want to build your experience as a driver on the highway, our trained staff can help you develop the skills necessary to become a steady and safe driver. For more information and to register for one of our courses, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.

Common Mistakes New Drivers Make

Being a new driver can be intimidating. Getting on the road for the first time can be a nerve-racking experience, especially if you’re driving on a busy road or alongside aggressive drivers. At Ambitious Drivers, we are dedicated to teaching you all the skills you need to make sure you feel comfortable and confident behind the wheel. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by new drivers so you know what behaviour to avoid once you get out on the road.

Getting Distracted

Maintaining focus is one of the important things for any driver to remember. If you’re inexperienced behind the wheel, you may have trouble staying concentrated during long drives. Keep your focus by limiting the amount of distractions in your car. Putting your phone on silent while you drive, for example, can prevent you from being tempted to answer text messages while on the road, which can be a serious safety hazard.

Following Too Closely

Another common mistake made by new drivers is following other cars too closely. Eager to keep pace, many inexperienced drivers try to stay as close to the car in front of them as possible. This can cause accidents if vehicles stop suddenly or hit a rough patch of road. Be aware of how much distance is between your car and the car ahead of you and make sure you give other vehicles an adequate amount of space on the road to prevent a fender-bender.

Not Adjusting Mirrors Correctly

Many drivers make a crucial error before even pulling out of their parking spot: not adjusting their mirrors correctly. Your rear view and side mirrors aren’t simply for decoration; they’re important tools to maintain your visibility and control on the road. There will always be a “blind spot” in side mirrors, the size of this spot increases if the mirrors aren’t adjusted properly, which can lead to serious accidents and dangerous situations on the road.

Being a new driver may feel overwhelming, but with the right training and guidance you can get out on the road with ease and confidence. Trust the experienced instructors at Ambitious Drivers to give you to skills you need to pass your driver’s test and feel cool, calm and collected behind the wheel. For more information about our driving courses and instructors, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.

How to Prepare Your Car For Spring

With spring just around the corner, now’s the time to start thinking about getting you vehicle ready for the new season. Melting snow and warm temperatures mean new driving conditions for your car, and it’s important to make sure that you car is prepared for this seasonal shift. Harsh winter weather can take its toll on your vehicle, so spring is a good time to have it tuned up to prevent any accidents on the road. Here are just a few of the ways that you can prepare your car from spring from the driving experts at Ambitious Drivers.

Check and Replace Your Tires

Icy winter roads can wear down your tires, so it’s a good idea to have them inspected once the roads start to clear. Having your tires balanced and aligned at the beginning of spring will help keep your car perform more safely and efficiently. It’s important to have your winter tires replaced with regular tires in the spring. Not only will this help extend the longevity of your winter tires, it will also ensure that you stay safe on spring roads—winter tires are built with special treading that isn’t built to drive on smooth pavement. For your safety and security, it’s a good idea to swap out your winter tires at the end of the season.

Fill Up Your Coolant

As the temperatures start to rise, it’s important to make sure your engine stays cool to avoid any breakdowns. Coolant is the fluid in your car that regulates the temperature of your engine. If you notice the coolant light on your dash is blinking or if you haven’t check your coolant levels in a while, check that your coolant is at an adequate level and top it off if necessary. Make sure to only fill up your coolant tank when your car is cool—doing so while your car is warm from driving can be dangerous.

With the right preparation, driving your car into the spring season is a breeze. For more information about car maintenance and safety, and for comprehensive, personalized driving lessons, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.

The Importance of Winter Tires

In previous blog posts, we’ve looked at the importance of safe driving techniques during the winter. Making sure your vehicle is properly outfitted for the season is as important as safe winter driving practices. One of the best ways to ensure that your car is ready for winter is to have winter tires installed. Many new drivers underestimate the importance of winter tires, but they can go a long way to keeping you safe and secure on icy and snowy roads. Here is some more information about the importance of winter tires from the driving experts at Ambitious Drivers.

Uncompromising Design

One of the main benefits of winter tires is their uncompromising design. Winter tires are made from a flexible rubber compound and feature unique threading that is specially crafted to give drivers better grip and control on icy roads. These design features allow drivers to experience increased traction during acceleration, improved directional stability, and more responsive brake times. With winter tires, seasonal driving is made much safer and more comfortable—especially for first-time drivers.

Longer Tire Life

Many drivers, especially new ones, are hesitant about committing to winter tires. However, the investment will save you in the long run. Switching to winter tires will prevent your regular tires from undergoing seasonal wear-and-tear, helping you to extend their longevity. Having winter tires installed on your vehicle means you’ll have to get your regular tires replaced less frequently, which can sae you on pricey repair and replacement costs. Winter tires are the smart and financially prudent way to keep your vehicle safe while driving through harsh weather conditions.

Winter tires are an important part of seasonal car maintenance. At Ambitious Drivers, we teach new drivers the skills they need on the road, as well as provide helpful maintenance tips so that you can keep your vehicle safe and secure while driving. Get the skills and confidence you need to get behind the wheel by registering with us today.