Tips on Overcoming Driving Fear

Are you nervous about starting your driving career? If the answer is yes, you are among most new drivers. Driving a car is a huge responsibility, and you may feel overwhelmed to begin your path to transportation independence. All drivers were once new at driving, so rest assured—many people are able to empathize. Don’t force yourself to take driving lessons if you still don’t feel ready, as you need to be a willing participant to get the most out of your educational experience.

Here are the best ways to overcome your driving lesson fear, courtesy of the experts at Ambitious Drivers:

Get to the Root of the Problem

In order to overcome your fear of driving, you will first need to understand what exactly scares you about the experience. Are you a perfectionist worried that you will make a mistake? Or are you afraid to try something new?

Once you’ve pinpointed what scares you most about driving, communicate your concerns to your driving instructor. They’ll only be able to help you if you’re open with them about your hesitations. By analyzing the core of your concern, your driving instructor will be able to provide solutions and advice to help overcome your fear together. Remember, driving instructors work with new drivers daily, so they understand your concerns and provide effective strategies.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Even though you’ve probably heard this plenty of times before, the only way to truly boost your confidence is through experience. By developing your driving skills in a lesson-driven environment, you benefit from learning in the presence of an expert. A driving expert works with you to learn from your mistakes and teaches you the strategies you need to be a safe driver.

Towards the end of your driving education, your driving instructor will probably ask you which areas you think you need more practice. A driving instructor will never push you to try a new driving skill if they don’t think you’re ready. They have the expertise to judge if you are advanced enough to go on the highway or attempt a lane change. Try stepping out of your comfort zone during your driving lesson, as it’s an opportunity to work on skills you feel less comfortable with while sitting with an expert.

Book your driving test.

Choose Optimal Conditions

Although you aren’t able to determine the weather, you do have the power to choose when you drive. By choosing to drive in the daytime with clear weather conditions, you avoid getting distracted by external factors. If busy roads are a concern in your area, plan your driving practice at a time when there aren’t many people on the road. In doing so, you avoid worrying about other drivers and can instead focus on developing your own driving skills. If traffic is a source of your driving concern, talk to your instructor, as you may be able to schedule a lesson during a peak time that lets you practice with a professional.

At Ambitious Drivers, we’re dedicated to helping you overcome your driving fear by providing you with the tools you need to become a confident driver. Learn more about our mini packages and courses by calling 416-293-6500 today!

How to Detail Your Car at Home

You use your car almost every day, but how often do you clean it? A clean car is part of a regular maintenance routine that will improve your car’s resale value and give you the opportunity to check for deficiencies. Spring is an ideal time to clean your car, as removing dust and dirt will reduce the impact of allergens associated with the season.

The experts at Ambitious Drivers have provided you with the top ways to clean your car at home:

Take Out All the Contents

The only way to properly deep clean your car is to remove all of its contents. This includes all items buried in hidden compartments and removing protective mats. Once all of the items are removed, do a first-pass vacuuming to remove large chunks of dirt and dust. Most vacuums come with a precision tool that allows you to target hard-to-reach areas, or a special tool designated for carpet surfaces. Try using these tools, if you have them, after the initial vacuuming to remove any remaining dust and hidden crumbs.

Deep Clean

Cleaning fabrics is the only way to remove deep-set odours in your car. Car seats and carpets become a hotspot for crumbs and stains that result in your car looking like a mess. There are several at-home remedies that you can find online, but to remove tough grease, try a solution of laundry detergent and water. In the presence of extremely heavy-duty stains, use a stiff brush to get deeper into the fabric fibers. Avoid saturating surfaces when cleaning to reduce the chances of mould and mildew forming. In the event that the fabric becoming excessively damp, absorb the excess liquid with a dry cloth or use a hairdryer to accelerate water evaporation.

Wash Plastics & Vinyl

To effectively clean the interior of car doors, use a dry fibre cloth over the area to remove surface dust. Once this layer is removed, use a damp cloth with a vinyl and plastic solution to remove tough dirt and grime. It’s important to use a soft cloth when doing so to avoid unwanted scratches. If you want to give you car’s vinyl surfaces some extra care, consider applying a protective layer that prevents sun and heat damage.

Fix Squeaks

Do you hear a squeaking noise every time you open your car door? These unnecessary squeaks are annoying and are caused by corrosion in the hinge or lock. This is easily fixed by using a lubrication on the hinge. After applying it, make sure to open and close the door, so the solution coats the interior of the hinge. It’s important to note that hinges with excessive rust may need to be replaced so if the squeaking doesn’t improve, contact an auto technician to get an assessment.

Wash the Exterior

Cleaning the exterior of your car is extremely important with harsh Canadian winters. Salt and dirt scratch your car, which can lead to rust.  When washing your car, make sure to use the appropriate solution for your car’s paint type as some can unfortunately strip wax from the car. During the washing process, it’s important to continuously rinse to prevent rubbing in dirt and grime, which can create scratches. Finish off the car washing process by drying off the car with a clean cotton cloth; this step is crucial to prevent water marks from air drying, particularly if you have a dark-coloured car.

Get your car cleaned to make a stellar first impression when taking your Ontario road test. Our instructors at Ambitious Drivers will give you the skills you need to succeed in your driving career. Learn about our various lessons by calling 416-293-6500 or register today.