Great Driving Tips for Young Drivers

So you’ve passed all of your tests, gotten your license, and are ready to get out on the road. Now what? Driving is more than just getting your license and getting behind the wheel. Nobody has it harder than young drivers, either. Not only do you have to navigate the rules of the road for the first time, learn to adjust to other drivers, and get over any nerves that might be in the way, you also have to do so usually under the scrutiny of your parents and the law. Here are some great driving tips for young drivers to help you adjust better.

Take it slow

You are probably excited to have gotten your license and proud to have passed your test. You should be. Still, you should probably take it slow. Don’t just jump right in the car and go gallivanting across town and the whole province. Try heading down to the local store first or driving to a close friend’s house during downtime. This will help you get used to being in the car alone and taking care of things. If you are brave enough to jump on the highway alone, then do it. But it’s sometimes best to slow things up a bit.

Learn to say no to friends

There is good chance that if you are very young, then you are the first among your friends to get a license. This means that people are going to be asking you for rides everywhere. Why walk when you can take a car? Not only can they be a drain on gas money, but they can also be a distraction. It isn’t their car or their license that is at stake. It isn’t that they are bad friends, it’s just how a lot of people act. Tell them that you aren’t going to drive everywhere and don’t give in to pressure.

Take the car as little as possible

If you are commuting to school, driving long distances, or doing big shopping, then take your car. That’s what it is there for. But don’t become dependent on it like so many people do. Don’t be lazy. Walk to close places, take public transport if you can or get a bike to cruise around on in the warm months. Many people take cars as a license to be lazy. Not only does this cost gas money, pollute the environment, and make you dependent, but it is also lazy. A car is a privilege. Treat it like one.

Getting your license is a rite of passage and one of the most important events in a young person’s life, but starting to drive is just the beginning. In order to get better at driving and become more accustomed to the road, use these great tips for young drivers. Congratulations, and have fun driving!

How to Change Your Driving Style for Winter

The number of road accidents tends to go up during winter. This is because some drivers are overconfident in their driving abilities in snowy conditions while others are totally unprepared for it. Whether you are an accomplished driver or one who has just cleared driving courses, you must change your driving style during these cold months. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

Get Your Car Properly Equipped

Before you leave for a snowy trip, there are basic checks that you must carry out during winter to ensure that you are leaving your home with a properly equipped car. Ensure that you have enough antifreeze and windshield washer fluid. Another important check should be directed to the tires. They must have the right pressure. You also need to equip your car with a flashlight, extra batteries, warm clothes and a first aid kit.

Avoid Tailgating

Tailgating is one of the leading causes of accidents in winter, especially in stop-and-go traffic. The driver in front is probably driving slowly because he knows the roads are slippery and thus can stop when he needs to. To avoid accidents, exercise a lot of patience and stay well behind and only overtake when it is safe to do so. Remember, that your car will also take longer to come to a stop under these conditions hence the need to keep your distance.

Slow Down

All the driving courses you have attended have certainly told you to drive slowly and smoothly in winter. Whether you have an SUV or a four-wheel-drive vehicle, you can never do 100 KPH safely under a snowstorm. You should also avoid sudden acceleration or braking because the car can easily lose traction. Therefore, before you leave the house, accept that you will have to spend more time on the road to reach your destination.

Avoid Cruise Control

Cruise control prevents leg fatigue, but it is a recipe for disaster during winter. With cruise control on, your car can spin the wheels when attempting to maintain a constant speed. This could be very dangerous.

Winter is mainly the time when you should stay at home but if you must drive, exercise the following guidelines for your safety.