Driving with Friends

While learning how to drive, teens must take two tests, one written and one behind the wheel. This also means they need to take two different classes before they take each test. Teens should listen in these classes and be mature. The first step to being safe is to be taught correctly. You should become more responsible and actually pay attention to what is going on in class. While learning how to drive, learn how to become a good defensive driver. Once you learn how to drive correctly, your knowledge will never leave you.

One thing that teens tend to do while driving is speed. This raises the likelihood of an accident. Not only will it put you in danger, it will also endanger the cars around you. Speeding may become a bad habit and a hard one to break.

The last thing that may become an issue for teen drivers is other teens. When in a car with other teens, it can be hard to concentrate on the road. Research shows that driving with friends in the car can render you up to four times likely to have an accident, something that no one wants to be increasing the likelihood of this early in your driving career. As the driver you are responsible for the passengers in your vehicle. Make sure that everyone is wearing their seatbelt and behaving themselves in your car, otherwise you are simply putting yourself and your passengers at risk.

Keep the tips above in mind to get on the road safely and understand what your responsibilities are to yourself and to those who share the road with you.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses allocate equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Don’t Become a Statistic – Wear your Seatbelt

Nothing is worse than hearing about the death of people who didn’t wear their seat belts, especially when it is revealed later that they would have survived if only they had buckled up.

The seat belt was not designed as a car decoration, or to be selectively worn on highways or mountainous roads. The seatbelt was designed to be worn everywhere and at all times because we are never able to pick and choose when we crash.

Most people take the seat belt for granted. We like to remind our pupils that no one is invincible in a car accident; the human body is no match for metal, glass and pavement. Below are four ways the seat belt protects occupants of the vehicle from serious injury:

– Keeps the occupants of the vehicle inside. People thrown from a vehicle are four times more likely to be killed than those who remain inside.
– The seat belt is designed to contact your body at its strongest parts, the hips and shoulders.
– The seat belt spreads the force of the crash over a wide area of the body. By putting less stress on any one area, a seatbelt can help you avoid serious injury.
– The seat belt help keep your head and upper body away from the dashboard, steering wheel, and other hard interior parts of the automobile should you stop suddenly or be hit by another vehicle.

Wearing a seat belt is still the single most effective thing you can do to increase your chance of surviving through an accident unharmed and reducing any injuries you may suffer from an accident. Increase your odds for safety by wearing your seatbelt. Buckle-up, always!

Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500