How to Prepare for Your Driving Test

Whether you signed up for driving classes as soon as you were eligible or have taken a more relaxed route towards becoming a driver, most people have a lot of experience taking tests in general by the time they get into a car with a driving instructor. All that time in school will definitely come in handy, as the driving test is quite similar to other forms of exams you may have taken in the past. However, there are some key differences—and thus different approaches to passing—between a math exam and a practical driving test. At Ambitious Drivers, we want you to get the most out of your driving school experience.

Here are some general and driving-specific study tips to help you ace the test on your very first try:

Understand the Criteria

This may seem obvious, but you need to know the rules of the road to pass your driving test. More than that, though, you need to know how your own knowledge will be assessed. With enough practice and great instruction, anyone can be a safe and conscientious driver. However, many of those great drivers failed their test the first time. That is because there is a difference between understanding something yourself and being able to communicate that understanding to others. The best way to bridge that gap is through communication. While talking to any experienced driver is a good way to gain insight into the skill and realities of the road, your driving instructor has the most valuable and direct knowledge about your upcoming driving test. During your last few classes, make sure to take a moment to ask them about the details of the test: of course you’ll be tested on parking, but how, exactly? On what type of street and in what conditions? Every test experience is unique, but the more information you have, the more you can fine tune your practice sessions.

Be in the Right Frame of Mind

As you will have gone over in class, distracted or drowsy driving can be incredibly dangerous on the road. No matter how well you know your stuff, anxiety can take its toll before any kind of test. That is why we recommend drawing up a study plan a few weeks ahead of your test. Knowing what you are going to practice on each can take a lot of the pressure off, and make for calmer and more productive driving sessions. Similar to physical workout routines, it can also help to have a driving “warm-up” and “cool-down.” Have a set route or series of actions you take at the beginning and end of each practice session. Having a solid routine in place will translate into readiness for the actual test.

The evening before the test, try to do a non-driving related activity you enjoy. Eat a filling, but not too heavy meal, and get to bed at a reasonable time. You will want to be at your test appointment at least 15 minutes early, so that means you need to make sure you have enough time for a good night’s sleep and the commute there.

For more information about driving tests, and comprehensive personalized lessons, contact us at Ambitious Drivers today.

What To Do If You Fail Your Driving Test

Passing your driving test is no easy feat, and even the most prepared students can wind up chocking on the big day. Of course, the more prepared you are beforehand, the more likely you are to pass, but several drivers only pass their test on the second or third time around. Here are some tips and tricks for what to do if you fail your driving test from the professional driving instructors at Ambitious Drivers.

Don’t Give Up

You know the old expression—if it first you don’t succeed, try again. Failing your driving test may make you feel like you never want to get behind the wheel again, but you can’t let that one negative experience deter you from getting your licence. Once you’ve processed the disappointment, it’s time to start practicing again so you can pass your next driving test with flying colours!

Learn from Your Mistakes

Instead of thinking about your failed driving test as a waste of time, think about it as a learning opportunity. Take note of the things that caused you difficulty during your driving test so you can work on them as you prepare for you next test. For instance, did you repeatedly forget to check your blind spot during your test? If so, then you know that’s a skill you’ll need to focus on in future driving lessons.

Book Your Next Test

After failing your driving test, it’s best to set up your next test as soon as possible. This will ensure that you don’t lose any of the skills that you gained while first practicing for your test. If you need some more time between tests, make sure to register for driving courses so you can maintain your skills. Becoming a good driver is all about practice, so you can’t expect better results the second time around if you don’t develop your skills between driving tests.

At Ambitious Drivers, we focus on defensive driving, giving you the skills necessary to feel safe and comfortable on the road. For more information about our lessons and to register for our driving courses today, contact us at Ambitious Drivers.

Summer Driving Hazards Every New Driver Should Know About

Now that the roads are clear from the wet and slippery conditions of winter, you may think that getting behind the wheel is a breeze. Just because the weather is more pleasant, doesn’t mean the summer isn’t full of its own particular driving hazards. It’s important for new drivers especially to be aware of the kinds of dangers they may face on the road this summer. Here are some of the most common summer driving hazards so you can be totally prepared behind the wheel this season.

Increased Construction

The favourable weather conditions of the summer make it the ideal time for construction. You may notice increased construction on the roads during the summer months, leading to road closures and more traffic than usual. Drivers must be vigilant to follow all signs and detours in regards to construction to avoid any surprise accidents or run-ins with construction crews on the road.

Bicyclist and Other Motorists

Once the roads begin to clear, the number of bikes and motorcycles on the road will begin to rise. Drivers should be extra cautious to ensure a safe distance between themselves and motorcyclists, as well as being aware that motorcyclists can be difficult to see and often disappear into your blind spot. Make sure to give cyclists extra room as well and be careful when opening car doors and making right turns to avoid accidentally hitting them.

While there are certainly less dangers on the road in the summer than in the winter, the summer can still present its own challenges for drivers. If you exercise skill and caution, you can ensure that you, your vehicle, your passengers, and other motorists remain safe this summer.

At Ambitious Drivers, we focus on defensive driving, which can give you the skills necessary to keep yourself as safe as possible on the road. Our team of certified and skilled instructors can give you the tools necessary to feel confident and comfortable behind the wheel. For more information about our driving lessons and to register for a course with us today, contact us at Ambitious Drivers.