Common Mistakes New Drivers Make

Being a new driver can be intimidating. Getting on the road for the first time can be a nerve-racking experience, especially if you’re driving on a busy road or alongside aggressive drivers. At Ambitious Drivers, we are dedicated to teaching you all the skills you need to make sure you feel comfortable and confident behind the wheel. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by new drivers so you know what behaviour to avoid once you get out on the road.

Getting Distracted

Maintaining focus is one of the important things for any driver to remember. If you’re inexperienced behind the wheel, you may have trouble staying concentrated during long drives. Keep your focus by limiting the amount of distractions in your car. Putting your phone on silent while you drive, for example, can prevent you from being tempted to answer text messages while on the road, which can be a serious safety hazard.

Following Too Closely

Another common mistake made by new drivers is following other cars too closely. Eager to keep pace, many inexperienced drivers try to stay as close to the car in front of them as possible. This can cause accidents if vehicles stop suddenly or hit a rough patch of road. Be aware of how much distance is between your car and the car ahead of you and make sure you give other vehicles an adequate amount of space on the road to prevent a fender-bender.

Not Adjusting Mirrors Correctly

Many drivers make a crucial error before even pulling out of their parking spot: not adjusting their mirrors correctly. Your rear view and side mirrors aren’t simply for decoration; they’re important tools to maintain your visibility and control on the road. There will always be a “blind spot” in side mirrors, the size of this spot increases if the mirrors aren’t adjusted properly, which can lead to serious accidents and dangerous situations on the road.

Being a new driver may feel overwhelming, but with the right training and guidance you can get out on the road with ease and confidence. Trust the experienced instructors at Ambitious Drivers to give you to skills you need to pass your driver’s test and feel cool, calm and collected behind the wheel. For more information about our driving courses and instructors, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.

How to Prepare Your Car For Spring

With spring just around the corner, now’s the time to start thinking about getting you vehicle ready for the new season. Melting snow and warm temperatures mean new driving conditions for your car, and it’s important to make sure that you car is prepared for this seasonal shift. Harsh winter weather can take its toll on your vehicle, so spring is a good time to have it tuned up to prevent any accidents on the road. Here are just a few of the ways that you can prepare your car from spring from the driving experts at Ambitious Drivers.

Check and Replace Your Tires

Icy winter roads can wear down your tires, so it’s a good idea to have them inspected once the roads start to clear. Having your tires balanced and aligned at the beginning of spring will help keep your car perform more safely and efficiently. It’s important to have your winter tires replaced with regular tires in the spring. Not only will this help extend the longevity of your winter tires, it will also ensure that you stay safe on spring roads—winter tires are built with special treading that isn’t built to drive on smooth pavement. For your safety and security, it’s a good idea to swap out your winter tires at the end of the season.

Fill Up Your Coolant

As the temperatures start to rise, it’s important to make sure your engine stays cool to avoid any breakdowns. Coolant is the fluid in your car that regulates the temperature of your engine. If you notice the coolant light on your dash is blinking or if you haven’t check your coolant levels in a while, check that your coolant is at an adequate level and top it off if necessary. Make sure to only fill up your coolant tank when your car is cool—doing so while your car is warm from driving can be dangerous.

With the right preparation, driving your car into the spring season is a breeze. For more information about car maintenance and safety, and for comprehensive, personalized driving lessons, contact us today at Ambitious Drivers.