The Importance of Defensive Driving

People often don’t do what you expect them to. This is particularly true when driving. Driving speeds are greater than they ever were before, and unfortunately drivers have to deal with more distractions, safety hazards, and basic driving errors than ever before.

Defensive driving teaches the person behind the wheel how to anticipate and react correctly to possible problems on the road. It poses the “what if” question to drivers. For example: what if a child runs across the road in front of you; what if a driver around you is zigzagging in and out of lanes; what if the car in front of you slams on its brakes?

Learning defensive driving teaches you how to be aware of the leading causes of accidents and how to avoid them. It is useful for any driver, but is particularly useful for those who operate public vehicles and those who spend a great deal of time on the road, such as truck drivers and interstate motorists.

Even if you consider yourself to be a good driver, you can benefit from the instruction a defensive driving course provides – it will definitely make you a safer driver.

For more information, please contact Ambitious Drivers at (416) 293-6500.

What to Do If You Have a Cracked Windshield

Driving in a car with a dirty or damaged windshield poses serious dangers, especially if the driver is trying to navigate through fog, heavy rain or snow. Despite the risks, many drivers are reluctant to replace a damaged windshield. The rationale adopted by many car owners, especially the younger ones might be: “Why spend the money on a replacement when the current windshield is working perfectly well?”

Here are a few reasons why you should immediately fix a damaged or cracked windshield:

– Dirty or damaged windshields can impair motorists’ ability to judge distances and the movement of other vehicles.
– Windshields that are chipped, cracked and dirty can produce severe eye strain and increase driver fatigue on long journeys.
– Damaged windshields lead to a greater likelihood of injury should an accident occur.
– An undamaged windshield adds vital structural support that can keep a car’s roof from caving in if the vehicle flips over. If the windshield is cracked, it will easily break on contact and the roof will be crushed, causing serious injury to the occupants.
– In the case of an accident, a damaged or cracked windshield means an increased risk of ejection from an accident impact. A sound windshield will prevent occupants from being thrown out of the car, but a damaged windshield will shatter on impact and does not offer any protection.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses give equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500