What to Do After a Car Accident

After an accident occurs, making sure no one is hurt should be first and foremost on any young driver’s mind. But thinking clearly and remembering what to do after a wreck in dealing with the other driver, the police and the insurance company can make a big difference in the amount of money you might pay to repair the damage.

Here’s what you need to know about how to deal with accidents and how and when to put the wheels in motion with the insurance claim.

– Keep documents handy. Make sure there’s a current proof of insurance identification card and car registration in the glove box.
– No matter what happens, remain calm. Take a deep breath and get out of the car and make sure that you have suffered no injuries and are able to walk. Head towards the other car and make sure that the driver and passengers are OK. If they are unconscious or unresponsive, immediately call 911.
– If it is a small accident, also remain calm and head towards the other car. Even if you are angry that the person ran a red light ramming into you leaving your own car with a canyon-sized dent, there is no point in exchanging angry words or getting violent.
– If the other driver shows aggression, do not respond with anger. If their behavior becomes more threatening, walk back to your car. Close the windows lock the door and call the police.
– If the other person is calm and civil, exchange insurance information and try and discuss what happened.
– Gather auto-registration and insurance information from the other driver before the police arrive and try to get witness information if possible.

Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500

Driving Abroad

Those who are planning to take a road trip vacation should perform essential car maintenance checks, such as oil, cooling fluid and tire pressure. Drivers should also familiarize themselves with the driving rules and the road conditions of the countries they plan to visit.

Below is a short guideline we have put together to help drivers who will be going on road trips this summer. Keep the tips below in mind and you will encounter an enjoyable and safe journey:

– Drivers should be aware of some of the hazards that can affect driving in the summer months. High temperatures can affect the rubber on tyres, and under-inflation of tyres can add to the problems, causing friction and additional wear on weak spots.
– Drivers should check the condition of their car’s tyres regularly, and make sure they are correctly inflated and unaffected by the journey.
– Before travelling, drivers should look at the coolant reservoir level in the engine and checking for leaking hoses.
– Drivers should check their air conditioning system before a journey.
– Drivers should be mindful of speed limits. Speed limits vary from one country to another.
– Drivers should ensure that they have appropriate insurance and breakdown cover.

Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500