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How Much is Driving School

Distracted driving is now an all too real problem and major cause of motor vehicle accidents. It’s in the best interest of young drivers to learn from a certified driving instructor who can assist them with understanding the theory during their 20 hours and becoming comfortable behind the wheel. Mature drivers can always benefit from taking mini courses to refresh their memory and hone their driving skills. Driving schools hire professional instructors who do everything they can to help you pass your road test, whether you’re anxious or need little tricks to remember provincial laws.

Enrolling in a driving school gives your teen a good foundation to become a safe and responsible driver.

Are Driving Classes Worth It?

You’re not required by law to enroll in a driving school. At the age of 16, you can do the G1 test right away to get your beginners driver’s licence. Some schools will allow you to start driver’s training prior to doing the G1 test, but it’s better to complete the test first, so you can do the in-car lessons.

It’s important to note that people who have attended driving schools are allowed to complete their G2 road test 8 months after writing the G1 test, whereas those who didn’t attend a school will have to wait 12 months.

Attending a ministry-approved driving school, like Ambitious Drivers, has its benefits. Insurers can provide first-time drivers who have graduated from a certified school with a lower insurance premium. It’s possible to have savings of up to 10%. Because insurers have the choice of providing you with a reduction, you’ll need to shop around to find the best deal. Providing the companies with a Driver’s Licence History report from the government will put you in a better light since it’s been statistically proven that defensive driving courses reduce your chances of having an accident.

Additionally, young drivers with driver’s training can usually benefit from insurance savings over the course of three years.

Course Options

Experienced instructors can teach students about driving issues that may not be in the textbook. They will give you a thorough education of the dangers, solutions, and tips related to driving safely. Instructors will see first-hand where your weaknesses are and help you to strengthen them.

Ambitious Drivers offers two full course packages that include 20 hours of in-class training and 10 hours of in-car training. We also offer mini courses. You’ll find that we provide competitive driving school prices.

Our complete packages are $580 and $725. While both packages will teach young drivers all of the necessary driving techniques, the difference between the two is that the more expensive option includes a G2 Road test car rental. The average cost of a thorough driving school training course in Ontario is $600.

Sign Up for Driving Lessons Today!

Looking for a top driving school in Scarborough, Ontario? At Ambitious Drivers, you are guaranteed experienced driving instructors who can assist you in passing your courses and road test.

Schedule your road test now to get your MTO certification!

How to Help Your Teen Become a Responsible Driver

It’s always scary seeing our children sit behind the wheel for the first time. One minute they’re learning how to walk, and the next, they’re begging to borrow the car. If your teen is in the middle of getting their G1 or G2 licence, you have a very important role to play in their driving career. Here are some ways you can help your teen become a responsible driver in Ontario.

Set Boundaries

We all remember what it was like to be a teen and want to go everywhere. If we were the first among our friends to get our driver’s license, then we were the designated driver for everything, and we liked it! But if our parents didn’t rein us in, we were likely to be up all night putting kilometres on the car.

When your teen is ready to get behind the wheel, sit down with them to discuss your expectations and boundaries. Let them know that you have a zero tolerance for drinking or using drugs and driving and that they have to be home at a certain hour. Be prepared to carry out consequences if your boundaries are stepped over.

Teach them by Example

How do animals learn to behave in the wild? By following their parents’ example, of course. You can’t expect your son or daughter to grow into a mature or responsible driver if your driving habits are setting a bad example. When you’re in the car with your teen, be sure to brush up on your driving manners; that is, remembering to signal and being considerate to other drivers, pedestrians, and bikers; and practicing safe highway driving. You might not realize it, but your kid is probably watching your every move.

Share Your Experiences

Teens think that we don’t know what they’re going through, but the truth of the matter is, we’ve all been behind the wheel in the early stages of our driving careers, terrified to make a mistake. Our children can relate better with real-life examples and experiences. They always want to know what they should do in a certain situation. Telling them how you handled a slippery road or a dangerous driver will give them the ability to put their own learning into practice.

Let Them Drive

Enough of the talking. It’s time to go for a ride. You can make your teen recite the Ontario Driver’s Handbook until they’re blue in the face, but unless they gain real driving experience, they’ll never learn the tactile skills it takes to become a responsible driver. Giving them the keys is like taking the training wheels off their bicycle. The only way they’ll be prepared to get their G2 is by giving them as much opportunity behind the wheel.

That’s where we come in. Ambitious Drivers has prepared teens all over the Greater Toronto Area pass their G1, G2, and G driving tests with thorough in-class training and road time. Register your teen today or contact us for more information.

Best 4 Summer Road Trip Tips

Summer and road trips are nearly synonymous. With the summer sun in your rearview mirror, heading for a weekend at the cottage or an adventure to somewhere you’ve never been before are some of the most memorable experiences. That being said, many people do not adequately prepare for their summer road trip and undergo issues while on the road.

By following our top four summer road trip tips, courtesy of Ambitious Drivers, you ensure your summer road trip will go smoothly.

Do a Preliminary Check

Before spending hours on the road, it’s important to make sure your car is up for the adventure.

The following items should be tested before even leaving your driveway:

  • Oil
  • Spark plugs
  • Tires
  • Windshield wipers and fluid
  • Lights and battery
  • Brakes
  • Horn
  • Key fob

Make sure to also bring a copy of your owner’s manual. You might be stuck in an area with minimal cell service, so it will be difficult to look up any questions you may have on your phone. In your glove box, include your car insurance and emergency car service contact information as well.

Stop Frequently

A road trip doesn’t need to be stressful! Take time to explore the destinations you’re heading to while enjoying your stops along the way. This is also a great way to prevent becoming agitated behind the wheel or even tired after a long period of driving. Another way to overcome this is by having multiple drivers in the car. When someone is feeling tired, you can just swap, while the other takes a nap.

Even though your final destination may be unknown, it’s wise to plan ahead for your first few nights of accommodation. Be realistic when mapping the distances and try to avoid driving at night.

Pack an Emergency Kit

You already know what should be in your emergency kit, but it’s important to not forget it when heading out the door. A few additional items you should include for your road trip are an extra phone charger, jumper cables, and a jerry can.

If you’re heading somewhere more remote, consider also purchasing some maps or bringing a GPS with you. This way you ensure you’re not driving in circles and get to your destination quicker.

Do a Pre-Road Trip Clean

Although you might think cleaning your car before a road trip is counterintuitive, it is going to be the place where you spend the majority of your time for the next few days. Remove all old food wrappers and give your car a thorough vacuum. Move the front seats forward to reach all of the hidden dust and other treasures that call your car home.

Create a system that you use throughout the road trip to make sure you don’t end up hoarding mass amounts of garbage. One way of doing this is by bringing along a few plastic bags and placing all wrappers and other waste items in the bag until you reach your next stop. Gas stations are a great place to pull over and purge yourself of these items, they might even have a windshield cleaner for your windows!

Ambitious Drivers provides professional, high-quality driving lessons in Scarborough, Ontario. Our instructors emphasize defensive driving and are committed to training new drivers to become responsible members of the road. To book your lesson, call 416-293-6500 today!

Tips on Overcoming Driving Fear

Are you nervous about starting your driving career? If the answer is yes, you are among most new drivers. Driving a car is a huge responsibility, and you may feel overwhelmed to begin your path to transportation independence. All drivers were once new at driving, so rest assured—many people are able to empathize. Don’t force yourself to take driving lessons if you still don’t feel ready, as you need to be a willing participant to get the most out of your educational experience.

Here are the best ways to overcome your driving lesson fear, courtesy of the experts at Ambitious Drivers:

Get to the Root of the Problem

In order to overcome your fear of driving, you will first need to understand what exactly scares you about the experience. Are you a perfectionist worried that you will make a mistake? Or are you afraid to try something new?

Once you’ve pinpointed what scares you most about driving, communicate your concerns to your driving instructor. They’ll only be able to help you if you’re open with them about your hesitations. By analyzing the core of your concern, your driving instructor will be able to provide solutions and advice to help overcome your fear together. Remember, driving instructors work with new drivers daily, so they understand your concerns and provide effective strategies.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Even though you’ve probably heard this plenty of times before, the only way to truly boost your confidence is through experience. By developing your driving skills in a lesson-driven environment, you benefit from learning in the presence of an expert. A driving expert works with you to learn from your mistakes and teaches you the strategies you need to be a safe driver.

Towards the end of your driving education, your driving instructor will probably ask you which areas you think you need more practice. A driving instructor will never push you to try a new driving skill if they don’t think you’re ready. They have the expertise to judge if you are advanced enough to go on the highway or attempt a lane change. Try stepping out of your comfort zone during your driving lesson, as it’s an opportunity to work on skills you feel less comfortable with while sitting with an expert.

Book your driving test.

Choose Optimal Conditions

Although you aren’t able to determine the weather, you do have the power to choose when you drive. By choosing to drive in the daytime with clear weather conditions, you avoid getting distracted by external factors. If busy roads are a concern in your area, plan your driving practice at a time when there aren’t many people on the road. In doing so, you avoid worrying about other drivers and can instead focus on developing your own driving skills. If traffic is a source of your driving concern, talk to your instructor, as you may be able to schedule a lesson during a peak time that lets you practice with a professional.

At Ambitious Drivers, we’re dedicated to helping you overcome your driving fear by providing you with the tools you need to become a confident driver. Learn more about our mini packages and courses by calling 416-293-6500 today!

How to Detail Your Car at Home

You use your car almost every day, but how often do you clean it? A clean car is part of a regular maintenance routine that will improve your car’s resale value and give you the opportunity to check for deficiencies. Spring is an ideal time to clean your car, as removing dust and dirt will reduce the impact of allergens associated with the season.

The experts at Ambitious Drivers have provided you with the top ways to clean your car at home:

Take Out All the Contents

The only way to properly deep clean your car is to remove all of its contents. This includes all items buried in hidden compartments and removing protective mats. Once all of the items are removed, do a first-pass vacuuming to remove large chunks of dirt and dust. Most vacuums come with a precision tool that allows you to target hard-to-reach areas, or a special tool designated for carpet surfaces. Try using these tools, if you have them, after the initial vacuuming to remove any remaining dust and hidden crumbs.

Deep Clean

Cleaning fabrics is the only way to remove deep-set odours in your car. Car seats and carpets become a hotspot for crumbs and stains that result in your car looking like a mess. There are several at-home remedies that you can find online, but to remove tough grease, try a solution of laundry detergent and water. In the presence of extremely heavy-duty stains, use a stiff brush to get deeper into the fabric fibers. Avoid saturating surfaces when cleaning to reduce the chances of mould and mildew forming. In the event that the fabric becoming excessively damp, absorb the excess liquid with a dry cloth or use a hairdryer to accelerate water evaporation.

Wash Plastics & Vinyl

To effectively clean the interior of car doors, use a dry fibre cloth over the area to remove surface dust. Once this layer is removed, use a damp cloth with a vinyl and plastic solution to remove tough dirt and grime. It’s important to use a soft cloth when doing so to avoid unwanted scratches. If you want to give you car’s vinyl surfaces some extra care, consider applying a protective layer that prevents sun and heat damage.

Fix Squeaks

Do you hear a squeaking noise every time you open your car door? These unnecessary squeaks are annoying and are caused by corrosion in the hinge or lock. This is easily fixed by using a lubrication on the hinge. After applying it, make sure to open and close the door, so the solution coats the interior of the hinge. It’s important to note that hinges with excessive rust may need to be replaced so if the squeaking doesn’t improve, contact an auto technician to get an assessment.

Wash the Exterior

Cleaning the exterior of your car is extremely important with harsh Canadian winters. Salt and dirt scratch your car, which can lead to rust.  When washing your car, make sure to use the appropriate solution for your car’s paint type as some can unfortunately strip wax from the car. During the washing process, it’s important to continuously rinse to prevent rubbing in dirt and grime, which can create scratches. Finish off the car washing process by drying off the car with a clean cotton cloth; this step is crucial to prevent water marks from air drying, particularly if you have a dark-coloured car.

Get your car cleaned to make a stellar first impression when taking your Ontario road test. Our instructors at Ambitious Drivers will give you the skills you need to succeed in your driving career. Learn about our various lessons by calling 416-293-6500 or register today.

How to Choose Your First Car

Now that you’ve got your licence, you’re tired of asking your parents to borrow their car and haggling with your siblings for it. You want your own car, but the question is: should you buy a brand new one or a used one?

The instructors at Ambitious Drivers have compiled a list to help you come to a decision:

New Cars

The number-one problem with buying a new car is it depreciates as soon as it’s officially yours. The worse part is that it’s a hidden cost many people are unaware of until they trade their car in for another model. New cars can depreciate up to 11% of their value. External factors, like gas spikes, can cause depreciation rates to increase if the new car you want is a gas guzzler.

Another big problem with buying a new car is the car payments. They stick to you for several years and monthly payments are quite high—higher than your grocery budget and that’s not including the interest. So, you need to be sure that it’s worth having that over your head if you buy a brand new car. To add insult to injury, if you were to calculate the total your monthly payments add up to, you’d see that it’s far more than what your car is worth because it depreciates as long as you own it.

Used Cars

By “used car”, we don’t mean the 1998 model your grandparents are still using. While it’s good to save your money and purchase a used car, it’s important to buy one that has modern features for the driver and passengers’ safety.

Modern features, like electronic safety control and curtain airbags, provide benefits to inexperienced drivers and are easier on the wallet than buying a new car. The price of a used car combined with car repairs will be far less than what you’d pay for a new car.

Used cars will come with a history and the treatment it got from its previous owner will have an impact on its performance and reliability. Reliability is essential when it comes to cars. A used car’s warranty protection will have expired by the time you’re driving it. So, don’t go for a car based on its appearance; that won’t help you when you need to brake hard to avoid an accident.

Electronic safety control is available in cars after 2010, but don’t stop there! Evaluate a car on all of its features. To know a car’s level of safety, look into its performance and safety features to make sure they meet Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA) standards and regulations.

Tip: Steer clear of large pickups and SUVs. These heavier and bigger vehicles are not suited for inexperienced drivers because they are harder to maneuver.

The Choice

Still not sure which car is for you? Do some research on car models, and talk to experienced drivers as you shop for your own car. The instructors at Ambitious Drivers are happy to answer all your questions, so contact us today! Still not confident behind the wheel? Book a driving test!

The Importance of Having an Emergency Kit

Once you’ve gotten your licence, you’re offering everyone a lift and happy to be so helpful. But not everything goes according to plan. Unexpected obstacles come up while you’re on the road, and we don’t just mean being forced to take a detour due to construction or a road accident. Bad weather conditions and emergencies create complications, which is why it’s important to be equipped in these situations.

You never know what you’ll need when you leave the house, and the weather forecast is not 100% accurate every day. Whether there’s rain, snow, or sunshine, make sure you have these items packed in your car’s emergency kit at all times:

  • Roadmaps (in case your cell phone should die) and a whistle, which you should permanently keep in your glove compartment
  • Non-perishable food, such as energy bars and dried fruit
  • Plastic water bottles that won’t break if they freeze
  • Blankets
  • Extra clothes
  • First aid kit with a seat belt cutter
  • Wind-up flashlights

We recommend you check your emergency kit every few months and replenish or replace the stock. When the weather changes, update your clothing for the appropriate temperatures and exchange your boots for shoes. Water and food are other items that are guaranteed to need replacing. In the winter, there are more tools to keep in your car for ice and snow removal.

Other types of emergencies can happen, such as the engine stalling, battery dying, or running into the car ahead of you. These can happen on the highway or a residential street, which is why there are other important items that need to always be in your trunk for everyday emergencies, including:

  • Warning light or road flares
  • Antifreeze and windshield washer fluid
  • Tow Rope
  • Jumper cables or portable jump starter

Some emergencies can be controlled and prevented. To prevent such emergencies, it’s important to have your car serviced and repaired. Some of your car’s features should be checked every month, while others should be looked at every three to six months by a professional. Even by maintaining your car, uncontrollable emergencies will still happen.

When they do occur, there are driving protocols to follow. The certified and experienced instructors at Ambitious Drivers prepare our students with long-lasting techniques for defensive driving. We want them to become responsible and conscious drivers that know how to handle any situation. We’re available seven days a week, so if you want to learn more about our course and pricing, contact us today or book your driving test!

3 Things Driving School Doesn’t Teach You About the Road

While Ontario drivers may be bound by the confines of provincial law, driving is an art, not a science. The rules of the road protect us from the weather and from each other. They are the minimal requirements every driver needs to meet to be deemed safe and knowledgeable behind the wheel. However, these rules don’t teach us everything. You may not be tested for these three unwritten rules of decorum, but the Ontario roads will be a safer and more enjoyable place if you learn them.

How to Handle Peer Pressure

If you’re a young driver, it’s very likely you’ll be taking your driving course before your friends. You may become the go-to designated driver of all your school events and social gatherings. We don’t blame you for wanting to step into that role. After all, you just got your licence, which is something to really celebrate. However, there will come a time when you may be pressured to drink, do drugs, or stay out past curfew. On the one hand, you want to please your friends, fit in, and have fun. On the other hand, you don’t want to upset your parents or suffer the consequences of not coming home when you promised.

Peer pressure will eventually find you, and when it does, be prepared to make tough decisions. We can promise you that peer pressure will be easier to handle as you get older. Not drinking and driving sounds like a no-brainer. But when you’re the only sober person at a party and everyone else is having fun except for you, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to justify having “one drink.”

Our advice: find some way to handle peer pressure and to stick to smart and safe decisions. Driving is not a right, it’s a privilege. It’s every driver’s duty to be responsible.

How to Be Decent

You can be a perfectly lawful driver, but still be the world’s most annoying, aggressive, impatient, or tentative driver. All of these attributes, though not exactly illegal can be dangerous or just plain old rude. Being a decent or polite driver is just as important as being a decent or polite pedestrian. There’s nothing that says that you can’t push people out of your way or take up the whole sidewalk or walk at a snail’s pace. But the world around you will move faster and better if you practice an ounce of decorum.

How does one become a decent driver? The nuances of polite driving may come when you’ve had more experience. Common displays of decency include:

  • Letting pedestrians cross the intersection before you start inching the car forward.
  • Giving drivers a fair amount of space.
  • Apologizing through a simple gesture if you make a mistake.
  • Avoiding puddles if possible to prevent splashing pedestrians.

How to Avoid Distractions

Our entire lives are at our fingertips. The more accidents that are caused by distracted driving, the more technology is created to prevent it. No matter how many bells and whistles your car has to prevent you from being distracted, we just can’t seem to put our phones away. While this seems to be the most obvious distraction these days, anything that takes your focus off the road is a hazard. It could be the sandwich you’re eating, the music you’re listening to, or a conversation you’re having.

Avoiding distractions is difficult. We aren’t very good at it. However, you owe it to yourself and everyone else on the road to try and limit the amount of beeps, rings, flashing lights, and songs that are coming at you while you’re driving. If your phone is the main culprit, silence it and put it out of reach until you’re no longer driving. If music distracts you, turn it down or turn it off. If you’re engaged in a heated conversation within the car, put a pin in it until you’ve reached your destination.

Schedule your driving course today with Ambitious Drivers and we’ll help you become an excellent Ontario driver.

Top Ways to Avoid Backseat Driving

As a new driver, people are always telling you about the distractions on the road. They tell you to watch for other cars and pedestrians and to obey the street signs and lights. You are told over and over to put your phone away so you can concentrate—but what no tells you is how you can become a distraction to other driver when you’re the passenger.

Now that you have your driver’s license, you feel empowered, and you may feel the need to pass on your new-found wisdom to others. That’s fine, but not while they’re driving. An argument in a car is the last you thing you want.

Common ways to irritate the driver:

  • Tell them the route you would take
  • Indicate obvious things like when the light is green or red
  • Interfere in the driver’s area
  • Ask repeatedly about the car’s safetly features
  • Nag about the driver’s speed, asking for directions, etc.

How to Drop the Backseat Driver Habit

You may wonder why you’ve become a backseat driver. According to CAA, 80% of collisions have driver inattention as a contributing factor. People who have been in a minor or major accident develop the fear of being in another accident. They’re nervous and feel they need to control everything in the car, even when they’re not the one driving. Boredom

If you’ve become a backseat driver, here are a few things to change that:

  • Talk about your day (or anything pleasant!)
  • Look out the window at the scenery
  • Listen to music
  • Read

In becoming a backseat driver, you are showing the driver that you don’t trust them to get you safely to your destination. You end up stressing the driver out and reducing their concentration. Think about how upset you used to get when Dad would tell you how to drive “the right way”.

If you’re concerned because the person you’re driving with has a bad record, talk to them about it and let them know about your anxiety.  Ask them about their style of driving, like if they mind the radio playing or if they’re okay with chit chatting. Remember to discuss these things before setting out on your long road trip!

It’s a good idea to plan out your trip with details such as which route you’ll take and what stops you’ll make so they won’t become an issue on the open road. You may be a good driver, but that doesn’t mean you are the only one. Respecting your driver is part of being safe.

Contact the professional drivers at Ambitious Drivers for more information on how you can be a better driver, or book a refresher course!

How to Pass Your Driving Test the First Time

Getting a driver’s licence is an exciting adventure. Before you can reap the rewards of having your own car and a taste of freedom, you first must pass the road test. For many, this test is as nerve-wracking as a final exam in school. Fortunately, we have a few tips up our sleeve to help you pass your test—the first time. From the professionals at Ambitious Drivers, here are a few things to keep in mind to ace your upcoming driving test:

It’s true that a significant percentage of the North American population has a driver’s license. This doesn’t mean; however, that the driving test is easy. Many young drivers fall into the trap of thinking they don’t need to practice for the test. The truth is, it’s harder than you think. To ace the test, it’s imperative you set aside time to practice, and familiarize yourself with the vehicle you’ll be taking the test with. Whether it’s the family minivan, or your grandpa’s old beater, find a safe vehicle you can practice with. Ensure you are accompanied by an experienced and licenced driver—they can give you valuable tips and ensure you’re driving safely.

Your first driving test can be nerve-wracking. To avoid distracting anxiety, remember to take a few deep breaths before and during your driver’s test. A great way to calm pre-test nerves is to talk with friends and family who have already completed and passed the test. They can provide you with sound and comforting advice, and give you tips on how to stay calm. If your test is early in the morning, avoid drinking coffee or any caffeinated beverage.

Be Patient
Most people want to get their driving test over with as quickly as possible. Rushing; however, can lead to faults and even accidents. Fortunately, your driving test isn’t timed. Don’t worry about the examiner—it’s their job to wait. If you need a little extra time during the parallel parking portion of the test, don’t sweat it.

Be Open-Minded
Going into a driving test, you should be open-minded about the outcome. Being hard on yourself will only lead to frustration and hindered performance. The important thing to understand is that there are many things out of your control once you’re on the road. Your test score may be negatively affected by aggressive drivers, accidents, or heavy traffic. If you try your best, there’s nothing more you can do.

With the right training, a little patience, and an open mind, we guarantee you’ll ace your upcoming driving test. To prepare for your test with driving classes or lessons, get in touch with us today at Ambitious Drivers in Scarborough. We look forward to helping you reach your goal!