Tips on Driving During Rainy Conditions – Part 1

Driving through windy and rainy conditions can be a serious test for even the most experienced and qualified driver. Essentially, it requires that the individual adopts a much more ‘defensive’ approach while on the roads. This is because potential hazards are more than just the other vehicles sharing the roads, but also the rainfall that can cause slippery conditions, poor visibility and significantly reduced braking speeds to name just a few.

In this two part blog series, we’ll take a look at the main points that need to be highlighted when driving specifically in rainy conditions, and how they help ensure a safe journey on the roads.

Be Prepared

Wet conditions can really test the quality and maintenance of any vehicle so it’s important to carry out a few quick spot-checks on vital components before you head out. If the weather is especially difficult and requires taking more challenging routes always consider if it is absolutely necessary to drive in the first place – sometimes a couple of hours delay can save a great deal of unnecessary stress!

But assuming you need to drive – here’s a list of the essentials to check first:

Plan the journey ahead of time, and where possible consider alternate routes should roads be closed due to bad weather or accidents. If you’re travelling during a storm pack a blanket, waterproof clothing, and some water and food just in case.

Let others know your route and make arrangements to call when you have arrived, or in case of severe delays. Always carry a mobile phone.

Fill up with fuel. Lights and slow/stopped traffic will use more fuel than usual, so allow for plenty of spare fuel to account for this.

Check your windshield wipers and consider replacing them if they are showing excessive wear – after all it’s the perfect opportunity to do so! Keep an eye out for our next blog for more practical tips on driving during rainy conditions.

It’s Important to Keep Your Cool on the Road

The truth of the matter is that ‘road rage’-related accidents, i.e. accidents caused by aggressive or intentionally careless driving, account for more than half of driving accident fatalities. Aggressive driving qualifies as anything from tailgating, to racing, to failing to observe road signs and regulations, to seeking confrontation with other drivers.  It’s important to keep a clear head on the road, because given enough emotional turmoil, driving angry can be just as bad as driving drunk.


If you are ever speeding, that is one of the times where it is most easy to lose control of your vehicle.  Whether or not you feel justified in speeding – if someone keeps drifting into your lane or you are simply running late – speeding is highly dangerous and punishable with steep fines.  Remember: ‘slow and steady’ became a proverb for a reason!


No matter how frustrated you may be at the driver in front of you, it is never prudent or wise to tailgate another driver.  Since you cannot see what is in front of said driver, you have no way of knowing if they will need to stop suddenly.  If that happens, your aggression becomes the real issue; it is no longer the fault of the driver in front of you if you’re the one who rear-ends their car through carelessness.

Confrontation with Other Drivers

A good rule of thumb is that all drivers are just trying to get where they are going.  It seems laughably obvious, but it is good to keep in mind that however annoying or frustrating another driver on the road seems to be, they are simply trying to get somewhere and not trying to get your goat deliberately.  When getting on the road or interacting with other drivers, keep the philosophy of ‘live and let live’ close to your heart.

It is important to remember that, when you are driving, you are controlling thousands of pounds of heavy machinery as an extension of yourself.  If you are feeling angry, reckless, and impulsive, that will be precisely what your style of driving will be until you calm down.  If you are just having one of those rough days, take a few deep breaths, drink some water, and clear your head before setting out onto the road – for the sake if someone else’s life, if not your own.