Parents’ Driving Behaviors are Mirrored by Their Kids

Research shows that 20 percent of middle school students and 28 percent of high school students who don’t drive likely won’t drive without wearing a seatbelt.

“It is critically important that parents set the example they wish their children to follow. Parents should not be afraid to establish expectations for their young drivers, discuss those expectations frequently, and ensure they are being met,” said Stephen Wallace, SADD chairman.

Research from Liberty Mutual and SADD shows that parents who regularly communicate with their teenaged children about expected behaviours behind the wheel make a positive influence on their children’s decision-making.

Parental involvement (or lack thereof) may explain the discrepancy between how teens perceive themselves as drivers and how they actually behave on the road.

Ambitious Drivers driving courses give equal importance to theoretical and practical training. Contact Ambitious Drivers today to schedule your driving classes. (416) 293-6500